Papa Emeritus 3


This site is thankfull for the contributions by The Devoted listed below.

Without you, this site would not be possible.

Becky Parenteau - Rob Barlowe - Beau Kasperek - Christian Jugans

Molly Morrison - Jan Porter

Jason Goodrick - Gethin Davies - Matt Slater - Ashleigh Wolfgang - Nathalie de France

Nic Miller - Rodney Valdez - Ry Llew - Ceri jones

Michelle Clarke -Scott Aspill - Adrian Van Mallinckrodt Oien

Oskar Belani - Doug Wurzer - Saúl Smerlinder

Kyra Reyem - Dan Olvera

Dawn Roderick - Astrid Hilbert

Darlene Szots - Patricia Martinez - Blood Bunny Productions -

Chrissy O'Connor - Kyra Meyer - Stefania Polizia -David Burch - Justin Villareal

Barbara McMillan - Catherine Vargas - Walter Campoy - Lana Delgado

Vicky Parsons

Holger BZ - Phillip Bagby - Juan Arèvalo - Isadora Persson - Jon Iverson - Eric Haskell

The Members Of The Following Groups For Allowing Me

To Blatantly Copy Their Images.

Ghost Collective  -  Ghost Fans of Europe  - Ghost UK

Ghost Merch Deal or No Deal  -  Ghost Sweden

Australian Ghost Assembly

Website design by Kezwald 2018
